Tuesday, February 15, 2005

V.D. A Day Late

Well, it's the day after Valentine's Day and Grover I must thank you for cleaning the house yesterday. (Yes, as you get older your ideas of romance change;))

I particularly enjoyed running to Walgreens last night for some cough medicine for Joshua and watching the last minute men in there desperately plowing through boxes of candy, stuffed animals and fake flowers. It looked like a war zone, each man in there with a look on his face that was a mixture of determination and desperation. All that work, not to mention money, just for a possibility of, well, you know. Now, THAT was funny.

Also, for the guy that I saw walking yesterday afternoon, down a busy main road, with the 10 balloons, the dozen roses, and the huuuuuge stuffed bear: I truly hope that she "appreciated" that.;) Cuz not many guys would be willing to look that nuts for their significant others.

I think my idea of romance now is more the pleasure of contenment. It is now not necessary to spend money, or preen or primp. It is only necessary to be there. Thanks for being there Grove.

Love ya cuz!

Peace allllll.......


sprinkle4 said...

LMAO!! I forgot that I have to use a disclaimer sometimes. Grover and I are related by marriage....out own that is.;) I'm pretty sure our family tree forks in the right directions lol.

Vanessa said...

Love your entries!!!