Friday, February 25, 2005

Stupid People

People are stupid. Not you know.....those other people. You can recognize a stupid person easily. They are the ones who do things like:

Walking up to an elevator where the up or down button is already lit and pushing it anyway, as if their fingertip is going to rush things up.

When they pick up the phone and find that there is no dial tone, they will pull the phone away from their ear and glare at it like IT was the one that did something wrong.

They will walk up to the entrance of a store and, seeing on the hours of operation placard that it is closed, will try to open the door anyway. If door does not open, they will rattle it a couple of times just to make sure. Then the reallllyyy dumb ones will wait until someone comes to the door and then ask "Are you closed??".

They will flick a light switch and if the light is blown and doesn't come on, they will proceed to flick the switch up and down 5 or 6 times.

They are the ones who stare at the green light and don't move.

They will have hot food in front of them and versus waiting for it to cool off for a minute, or even blowing on it to cool it off, they will immediately take a big ole bite and proceed to suck air in and out like a fish out of water. They will then say "Ooooh, this is hot!!" like it wasn't supposed to be.

They will push the button on the remote to change channels and if the batteries are dead in the remote they will push even harder.

And, looking over this list, I have decided that, yeah, I'm kind of stupid myself because I have actually done more than one of these.;)

Peace allllll...............


Oh great One said...

I was all set to chime in on all "those" stupid people you were talking about. Then I saw myself in a couple of them and I realized I couldn't point and laugh at anyone because I AM one!

CaCaBoy said...

I also like the ones who shake the exit door, just in case the store operating hours are different for the exit doors!