Friday, February 11, 2005

Please Explain

I just saw a Valentine's Day commercial for either Sears or JC Penney, I can't remember which one. Anyway, they are showing their collection of jewelry, clothing, etc., all designed to turn a girl's head for Valentine's Day. Okay, this is all well and good; however, the commercial is ran with the song "99 Red Balloons" playing throughout. Excuse me and pardon me if I am mistaken, but isn't the song "99 Red Balloons" about nuclear war and death? Let's see......Valentine's Day, supposedly the most romantic day of the year (but more than likely one of the most depressing) and "99 Red Balloons", a song about NUCLEAR WAR and DEATH. I understand that whoever developed this commercial must have been born after 1985 and/or simply have no clue about music history but who really dropped the ball on this one?

Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to songs that I grew up with and songs that I have a connection with being used to hawk wares over the television waves. More on that later...muuuuuch more.

Peace alllllll................

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