Saturday, July 28, 2007

Conversation and the Lost Ovary

My friend Rachel went to the Emergency Room this morning. She was there for about 8 hours. She was having some "female" issues and of course they put her through the gamut of the usual tests. During one of these tests, the attending doctor made the pronouncement that they "could not find" her right ovary. Well, doc, what happened to it? It was there when she left this morning. So, after a strenous game of internal hide and seek, they found it. I'm not quite sure where they found it, but they found it all the same. (And I'm guessing moved it back to where it was supposed to be in the first place.) ((Did you know that they could do internal ultrasounds?? I didn't...and I wish I still didn't because the description of it was quite vivid.....not to mention disgusting)

The other night (I'm thinking Thursday? or was I thinking Arbys?....anyway) we had ourselves one big ole gullywasher of a storm come through. Stormed so bad it knocked our power out from 6 p.m. until about 1 a.m. So, it's about 90 something degrees or so with a humidity of 100 percent (and for those of you who don't know, humidity in Alabama is not like humidity in the rest of the world. It's worse......much, much worse....think Rain Forest worse.) and we are sitting in the living room, in the dark (because it's just too hot to light a candle) with absolutely nothing to do except stare at each other (or try to stare at each was dark, remember?) and we ended up having to rely on that old standby for boredom.......conversation.

So, we started telling stories....funny stories, scary stories, true stories and tall tales. We did round robin stories (you know, one person starts and you go around in a circle with each person adding on to the story until it becomes so convoluted you have no idea how it's going to end you just wish it would......kind of like this one.) for about three hours. The little ones got so bored they just crawled up on the couch and went to sleep. And, after a while, we picked up their sleeping, sweaty bodies and carted them off to bed. I slept on the couch and was just too hot to do anything but doze. And when the lights finally did come back on and woke me up, the first words out of my mouth were "Thank You, Jesus, for this wonderful air conditioning!"

And, last but not least, my goddaughter is back from her summer vacation with her dad and ready to start 2nd grade in a couple of weeks. Welcome back, Terrianna!!!!

And now that I have bored you all into a comatose state, I have done my job.

Peace alllllll.......................


Oh great One said...

I've had an internal ultra sound a couple of times. That's how I know my ovaries look like something from a Dr. Seuss book.

We lost our power a couple of weeks ago and we all ended up outside. The other neighbors came out too because with air conditioning it was cooler outside! It was a nice little time to visit. I should use some of your games. It could get interesting with my neighbors.

Granny Annie said...

If you don't weave a tale I don't know who does. Lost ovaries? LOL I'm glad your friend is okay. We have rain again. We don't need it but I hear you do. And we love Arby's five for 5.95! Yes too much wine. Thanks for you condolences.