Thursday, July 12, 2007

I Want Brains!

Where, oh where, has my grey matter gone? Oh where, oh where ,can it be?

You know, back in the day, I used to be pretty smart. 4.0 GPA, spoke two foreign languages (French and German) and could remember what I had for breakfast on February 3, 1981. I wasn't a genius, but I could hold my own. I used to read alllll the time, and used to love the classics. I could curl up with a bag of apples and just devour "Silas Marner", "Wuthering Heights", "War and Peace" and anything else with great enjoyment.

It's not that way anymore.

Ever since my kids were born, I have honestly felt like I have been slipping a little at a time. I find it harder to concentrate when I am in the middle of a conversation. I have on more than one occasion zoned out when someone was talking to me, only to look at them and say "huh?" after they had been talking for at least 5 minutes. (People do not appreciate this.)

I find myself making lists alllll the time so that I will remember everything that I have to do in a day. Without a list, the kids might get fed, but I can pretty much guarantee that the dogs and the cats won't.

I often find myself in the middle of a sentence and really wanting to use the right word and for the life of me I can't think of what it is.......until 10 minutes later. Then I shout "That was it!" and by that time the conversation has been over and I become the recipient of some very odd looks.

I feel like my brain is in slumber mode a lot. I used to be interested in things. I used to be interesting. I used to be able to talk all day and all night about a thousand different things with passion and zeal. I used to be a big fan of "spirited debate". And now, in the middle of a "spirited debate", I will often do one of two things. I will either stop and say "what are we talking about?" or "okay, this is becoming boring....i'm ready to shut up now."

I have become dull and boring.....I used to greet each new day with a burst of enthusiasm. And now I wake up and ask myself "Is it time for bed yet?"

Ah, if only I could get my brain to wake up! Or if I could just replace some of the cells that I have lost over the years.

Do they sell grey matter at Wal-Mart? Maybe on a buy one, get one free type of deal? Wonder what the roll back price on that is?

Peace alllllll............................


Oh great One said...

I KNOW what you mean! I used to be able to read for hours on end. Now I read for 10 minutes and I'm all drowsy and my head does that bob thing.

Intelligent conversations? That's why I blog. Being at home all day makes it hard to talk about things other than Sponge Bob and potty training. By the time CCB gets home I'm aching for adult conversation!

Granny Annie said...

No one tells a woman that she loses a large percentage of her brain power with the birth or acquisition of each new child. Only those of us who have been there recognize that loss but by the time we near the place to tell the world we've lost it all.