Saturday, December 24, 2005


From the depths of my flour spattered kitchen and from the middle of my pieces of toys that require adult assembly living room, I wish each and every one of you a wonderful Christmas Eve.

Please take a moment to remember those whose holidays may not be so bright. Thank you.

Happy birthday Jesus:)

Merry Christmas!

And God bless us every one.

Peace alllllllllll...........


Granny Annie said...

You are my favorite blogger and I must stop by to say Merry Christmas to you and yours. Keep sharing those wonderful writings!

Shane said...

What!? Today's Jesus' birthday? Coulda fooled me! ;)

Merry Christmas to you too, sis.

Oh great One said...

Merry Christmas Sprinkle! I hope your day is wonderful!

*side note* We call our grandma Granny Annie!