Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas Masochism

I love the Christmas season. I really, really do. The shopping, the cooking, the family, the decorating, the really good church services, the sense of peace and goodwill amidst all of the stress.

So, I don't know why I do this. I will deliberately listen to Christmas songs or watch Christmas movies that I KNOW are going to make me cry. Not just cry, but break down bawling crying. As soon as I hear the Eagles "Please Come Home for Christmas" on the radio, the official crying season begins for me. Then I must, just must, listen to "The Christmas Shoes" and "Angels Among Us" by Alabama, or "Silent Night" by the Temptations or "I'll Be Home For Christmas" by the Carpenters. I know that others have done versions of all of these songs but these are the absolute best and guaranteed to have you crying in your eggnog in no time.

And in my opinion, "It's A Wonderful Life", "Scrooged" (Bill Murray) and "A Charlie Brown Christmas" are the top three Christmas movies of allllll time. Just grab some cookies and Kleenex and I'm there.:)

So, call me a Christmas fan. Call me sensitive. Or just call me crazy. I don't care. I'll be too busy sniffling and blowing my nose to hear ya.

Peace allll.........


begins with v said...

I do the same thing! I always put myself in situations that I KNOW will make me cry (such as watching the home makeover show)...but it is cathartic.
Someone thought I was a nazi because I have never cried while watching It's a Wonderful Life...I think it is because of all the pressure I felt before watching it for the first time--everyone said, oh you will cry hard when you see that one--so as a result I didn't. Also, didn't cry while watching The Notebook because everyone kept saying that I would and then I got turned off to it.

Anyway...I love crying to Christmas songs--so I'm with you on that one!

Oh great One said...

I'm with you on most of these. The Christmas shoes song makes me all weepy too. I'm not a big Charlie Brown fan but instead we watch A Christmas Story. It makes me giggle even after all this time.

Shane said...

Hey sis, I'm back. Come on over and say 'hi' sometime. Peace.