Monday, December 05, 2005

My Weekend

So, we had to paint a foyer and a garage this weekend. You would think that would be a very simple, very quick would think. However, that was not the case. See, the foyer had a staircase directly in the middle of it. I could deal with that, just not a lot of room to move around. However, it was the 20 foot ceilings in the foyer that got to me. I happen to have a deathly fear of heights, so there was no way I was getting on a ladder to paint that far up. So I made Grover and Rachel do it while I edged the baseboards and painted the garage:) The garage would have been simple except for two things: the extraordinary amount of cobwebs on the ceiling and in the corners that it took me two hours to clean off and the upright freezers that I had to move off of the wall. Yes, they were full and yes they were heavy....and between them and the dead spiders I think I would have done better taking my chances on the ladder in the foyer;) But, hey it's extra Christmas money, right? Right.

Speaking of shopping, I have exactly one half of my Christmas shopping done. I am proud of me, considering I normally wait until like the 23rd to try to get it all done in one day. This way I am feeling far less stress (and probably spending a lot more money without realizing it;)) Now, if I could only keep the kids from trying to eat the tree lights and the dog from trying to eat all the candy canes, I would be almost stress free this holiday season.

They're teasing us with the lie that it will snow a little here on Thursday. Yeah, sure it will.

And last but not least, if anyone out there has a good fruitcake recipe, please send it my way. Yeah, I know they're gross to most people but fruitcake is a holiday guilty pleasure of mine. I love the things, I just don't know why.

Sorry for the boring post guys. Must be all that Christmas cheer and goodwill overtaking me;)

Peace allllll.................

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

Boring post? Have you read mine lately? LOL! I've started shopping online for Christmas. I get it done much quicker with fewer trips to the stores! I have one think left to get and I'm done. Except a few stocking stuffers but you didn't hear that from me.