Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Talking and Listening

I started therapy again today. I had actually started some months ago but when Grover had to go in the hospital and all that, I had to put it on the back burner for a while. So I finally got to start again. Oh, I love therapy! I mean that. I really, really love it. I think that everyone should go to therapy for at least 6 months (with a qualified counselor of course).

I mean, think about it. An hour or so every couple of weeks where you sit in a climate controlled environment, soft lighting, warm surroundings.....and talk. About anything, about everything. And the person to whom you are speaking actually....listens. Aaaah....speaking as a wife and a mother....who could ask for anything more? I love my husband but let's face it. If the subject at hand is not martial arts or bills, well.....his eyes have a tendency to take on that glazed "I'm not listening and I really wish I was somewhere else" look. He loves me .....but that whole ADHD thing is a real pain sometimes.

I love my kids but, well........let's face it. Unless it involves money, candy or McDonalds, they aren't the most rapt listeners sometimes either.

And sometimes, that's all we really need......for someone to listen.

After all....I think that's why actors and politicians choose their respective fields. They just want someone to listen to what they have to say and think that it's important.

Not everything I have to say is important. More often than not, it's fairly irrelevant. But that doesn't negate the need for a good listener. From time to time anyway. I talk to my animals, but they don't talk back. I talk to my husband and my kids but that's a 50/50 proposition at any time. I talk to my friends but they are often wrapped up in their own problems. That's the way of the world. It is what it is.

And I talk to God. I know HE listens. But sometimes I have a hard time hearing what He's saying. Which lets me know that if I want to have a good listener, I need to work on being one as well.

Peace allllllllll.................


Oh great One said...

Ha! You don't know how many times I scream through gritted teeth because I know no one "hears" me!

I'm convinced they watch my lips move but don't have a clue as to what I say!

Good for you!

Brown English Muffin said...

I've been really lucky for the most part my husband listens to me to the point that he can tell me if I've already told him something already!!! I guess I talk a little too much.

I usually talk to my diary or blog....I know it will always listen and not talk back!!! I also talk to myself but being an only child that's a given!!!

Lizard said...

Thanks for the comment that u leave for me,making me so touching that someone actually read it.. Well perhaps I am still young and hence I do not know to handle myself. Well my friends always tell me their story to the climax but they often neglect the other party actually have a big burden in their heart and they're very headache or ppl's feelings. Just like the post that I was having prob finding someone to fix my laptop and they can still telling me their grandmother story. I feel they are very inconsiderate.. Hence,I came out with the conclusion ppl just want us to listen to them but they're unwilling to do the same,it is much like one way traffic stuff and I get irritated by the content easily as what they said are actually craps.

I really appreciate on your concern and dropping the words of encouragement. May god shower u n ur family with His special blessings.

Jamie Dawn said...

Being listened to and actually HEARD are great things. We women really need that. I like to tease my hubby and just say "uh-huh" when he's talking to me, and then I say, "What did you say, honey?"
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