Friday, February 22, 2008


Tuesday: the kids started to get sick. Grover and I gave them medicine, popsicles, soup and warm blankets, not to mention much love.

Wednesday: the kids got worse and Grover started to get sick. I gave them all medicine, popsicles, soup, honey lemon tea and warm blankets, not to mention much love.

Thursday: the kids were getting better, Grover was getting worse and I was starting to get sick. I gave them all medicine, soup, popsicles and warm blankets, not to mention much love...all while I was coughing, shaking, shivering and sweating.

Friday: the kids are fine, Grover is good enough to be at work. So, where's my soup, popsicles and warm blankets? Well, I guess I'll have to get 'em myself.

Not to mention: where's the love people...where is the love??

Ah, well....such is the price we moms pay. (At least I don't moan as much as Grover:))

Peace alllllll...............


Granny Annie said...

Bless your heart! My daughter and her 13 year old son are sick. Her 5 year old daughter is their nurse. So far her hubby hasn't caught the plague either. The doctor did tell them it is the flu. Seems like this year's flu shots are not fighting this strain of flu virus.

Oh great One said...

HA! We had a similar situation recently. Everyone was sick except me. I asked CCB if he was going to stay home and take care of me when I got sick and he said he would. THEN when it turned out he had Pneumonia and he missed 4 days I KNEW I wouldn't get any tender lovin' care. Luckily I didn't get it and all is well.

You'll have to settle for get well thoughts and prayers from a distance! Get well Sprinkle!

elizabeth said...

Sending you internet popsicles and warm blankets ;-)

Hate being sick without someone to look after me - I actually don't do sick well at all.

Ed & Jeanne said...

I missed all the crud from Sep through Jan only to get a cold right as my broken ribs were healed enough to not bother me coughing (thank goodness). Luckily it was short lived. Bummer you had nobody to pamper you though.