Sunday, February 03, 2008

Not Much

Well, there's not a lot going on today to ruffle my feathers so I think I will answer this little questionaire I ran across the other day? Ready....set.....go!

What time did you get up this morning? Well, if you don't count the times during the middle of the night when I got up to a) go to the bathroom b) check on the kids for the 100th time c) get a drink of water (which leads to back to "a") or d) let the cats in or out of the house.....then I would say that I got up for the day at around 6:30 a.m.

What was the last film you saw at the cinema? "Halloween H2O".....yes, it's social life is that sad

Favorite TV show? "House" and "Criminal Intent"

What did you have for breakfast? A banana-tangerine smoothie....made it myself and it was fabulous!

What is your middle name? Gail

What food(s) do you dislike? Beets and anchovies.....together or separately

What kind of car do you drive? 2001 Jeep Cherokee's boxy...but it's good:)

Favorite sandwich? Pita bread stuffed with tuna and lettuce

What characteristic do you despise? Rudeness in all its forms

Favorite item of clothing? My blue toboggan hat. I would wear it year round if I could

If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Ireland

What color is your bathroom? Peach accented with green

What is your favorite brand of clothing? The cheap brand!

Where would you like to retire? In Maine.....definitely on the beach in Maine

Your most memorable birthday? My 16th.....I had a party at my brother's house in the country with about 20 people...the highlight of the evening was the "no-hands spaghetti eating contest" best friend Nicole won by a nose....literally

Favorite sport to watch? Football (come on I'm from the're exiled if you don't watch football)

Faorite quote? "The best portions of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love." William Wordsworth

When is your birthday? August 24th

Morning or a night person? Night, night, night!

What pets do you have? A dog, Foxy and two cats Thunder and Lightning

What did you want to be when you were a little kid? A veterinarian

Favorite flower? Daisies and roses, in that order

What color crayon would you be? goes with everything:)

Siblings? Two brothers, one sister.....Mark, Kevin and Becky

What is your favorite day of the year? Christmas Day

What was your favorite toy as a child? My stuffed Snoopy and then my stuffed Henry dog

Summer or winter? Fall

Hugs or kisses? Hugs....especially from my boys

Coffee or tea?'s either water or Sierra Mist

When was the last time you cried? This morning.....something I was reading in a doesn't take a lot to get me's a great source of amusement to my family...yeah, they're kind of twisted ;)

What is under your bed? Who knows? Not me!

Favorite smells? Citrus, coconut and flowers......also any really, really good men's cologne

What are you afraid of? Heights...won't even use a step ladder

Salty or sweet? Salty

Favorite day of the week? Thursday

How many towns have you lived in? 3 Madison,Alabama Huntsville, Alabama and Newport News, Virginia

Where do you live now? Huntsville, Alabama

If you have read all the way through this, consider yourself tagged:)

Peace allllllll................


Granny Annie said...

Okay I let you tag me and answered your meme (rhymes with dream) on my blog. You and I have lots in common.

Oh great One said...

We have lots in common too! I wanted to be a veterinarian as well!

Just so you know, I'm glad your back!:)

begins with v said...

YAY Obama won in al!!! My new motto: Bama 4 Obama :-)

But I totally agree with you...get Bush outta here!