Thursday, February 16, 2006

Volunteers Welcome

Good news: we finally, finally, finally got the house we have been wanting so we are finally out of this crackerbox apartment!

Bad news: we have to pack all of our stuff and actually move it. Who knew that we could have accumulated sooooo much stuff over just 3 years? And since neither one of us really trust moving companies (and since it is only across town), we're doing it all ourselves. Whoo hoo!! What fun.

But it is a small price to pay for actually having a house with a yard so that the kids can actually just go outside to play versus having to pack up a whole bunch of stuff and schlepp them to the playground.

Everything is being transferred tomorrow so we are doing the actual physical moving between tonight and tomorrow evening. All packing and moving volunteers are welcome.:)

So, now let me get back to totin' that barge and liftin' that bale.

Peace alllllll.............


Oh great One said...

Good for you! I'm excited for you! I don't mind moving so much it's the packing I dislike. Take care and lift with your knees!

begins with v said...

If I were in Huntsville, I promise I'd help you! But I am stuck in KY for right now! If I move there this summer (which looks hopeful) then we should finally could show me around. congrats on your new home...may God bless it!

sprinkle4 said...

Thanks you guys!!! You all are the best!

Slade: sure, I'd be glad to show you around Huntsville, but we'd have to figure out something to do after that 5 minutes was up;)