Monday, February 20, 2006

Croup? We Don't Need No Stinking Croup!

Okay, so this is what happened. We were in the middle of moving but enough so into the new place that we could spend the night. So this is our first night in the new house, right? Well, I am an extraordinarily light sleeper. Let's face it, a mouse farting next door will wake me up. I am also a premature waker. I wake up several times during the night for no reason, so I make good use of these moments to check the doors and windows and such and to check on the kids. (If you can't sleep, may as well do something.)

So, I'm dozing about 4 a.m. and a strange noise wakes me up. It's a raspy, throaty sound....and it's coming from Jakob. I swear it sounded like he had something stuck in his throat and he was struggling to breathe. Scared the everliving daylights out of me. I got him up, checked his throat, woke Grover up and got him to call an ambulance all within 5 seconds. Grover went with him to the hospital (I couldn't go because Lukas and Joshua were still asleep.) So I am stuck at the house, not knowing what is going on and bawling my eyes out, terrified.

Turns out that Jakob has/had croup.....also known as an inflammation of the windpipe right below the vocal cords. It appears as a bad cold in grown people and is normally not a problem at that time but with little ones it can be dangerous. So after TWO breathing treatments and steroids, the swelling went down and they let him come home. The doctor did say that it was a good thing that I heard him because with the swelling that was going on, he could have been in serious trouble if it had waited any longer. So I guess I'll be joining the insomnia club of mothers now;). It's been a couple of days and I'm sleeping lighter than ever. The doc said that most kids outgrow the probelm by age 5. Just 3 more years...whoo hoo! But he seems to be fine now. Hopefully it will never happen again...hopefully.

Other than that, and the exercise bike breaking and the phone company giving me grief about transferring my number and the 20000 boxes that I have stacked up, everything is going well though.

Okay, I'm putting on the Ben-Gay now. ( I am really tooooo old for all of this moving stuff). And as soon as I can find a clear path from the bedroom to the kitchen to the bathroom I'll be happy. Because I'm really hungry. And I reallllly need to pee:)

Peace alllll..........

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

Thank goodness you heard him! That would have scared me to death! Chalk another one up for MOM!

Have fun unpacking! I'm so happy you finally got the place you wanted!