Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tweet Tweet & Cluck Cluck

Let me tell ya something: there are days when I believe this whole SAHM wife and mother thing is for the birds! Don't get me wrong, I love spending the extra time with my kids, wouldn't give it up for the world. But there is the one issue of .......when exactly does my workday end???

See, when Grover gets home he considers his workday to be done. In other words, he really doesn't feel that he should be doing anything in the house because that's "my" job. Okay, let's break it down then. You work 8-12 hours a day, from 7 a.m. to anywhere from 5 to 7 p.m. Then you come home and that's it. I, on the other hand work from about 6 a.m. until, oh let's see, about midnight, when I normally go to bed. What? You thought I just went over the house once and then chilled for the majority of the day? Oh, no baby puppy...no, no, no.

I get up at 6 when the kids get up, then I wake you up, then I prepare breakfast for the kids since you just eat coffee in the morning. Then, once you are gone to work, I clean up breakfast dishes and clean up your mess in the bathroom.

Then I begin the process of housecleaning. The reason I call it a process is because I have to break it up into sections because between those sections, I am picking up after children, wiping marker off of the walls, taking care of whines and bumps and bruises and hurt feelings and singing their favorite song just one more time. And in between all of that I am doing laundry and then in between THAT I am on the phone drumming up painting business.

Not to mention preparing lunch, taking something out for dinner, helping Joshua with his homework, looking marvelous, cleaning up the kitchen for the 3rd time, making sure the kids get in the tub, making sure they have clothes ready for the next day, checking to make sure there are no appointments I'm going to miss and putting the kids in bed. Then, once the kids are in bed, there is still laundry to be finished, floors to be mopped, etc, etc., and so on and so on. And if I say something about being tired, you have the audacity to look at me and say "tired from what?"

Silly, silly man........

cluck, cluck ......

I'm so glad I love these guys;) Because next year, everybody does their own laundry!

Peace alllllll.............

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

I feel the same way! Generally I end any cleaning tasks by dinner. When the dishes are done so am I (other than nightly toy round ups).

My complaint is that when he's home I'm still on Mommy duty. Both kids come to me when they need something. I can't remember the last time I watched a show in it's entirety(sp?