Friday, February 10, 2006

Piercings, Puberty and Picking Your Battles

My baby, my oldest baby that is, will be 13 in September. So, he is almost 12 and a half, trying to go on 18. I don't know if this happened overnight, or if it happened so gradually that I just didn't see it coming, but here it is......puberty in all of its glorious angst and obstinancy. He considers a lot of our conversations these days as "negotiations". I consider them as more proof that children going through puberty are certifiably insane. He used to want to go outside and play with his friends or stay up past his bedtime. Simple enough. Now his wants (or his "needs" as he calls them) are becoming a little more difficult to give a quick yes or no to.

Need number 1: he must, just must, have his ears pierced. Now, I am a big believer in self-expression and I really don't have a problem with piercing per se, especially since it's just his ears, not his nose or his lip or anything. However, he is just 12. I think I'll eventually give him the green light on this one but I don't know. He is just 12......still young enough to be my baby ya know. But it's not a tattoo at least. (We'll have that fight in a few years I think;))

Need number 2: he must, just must have a cell phone. After all, ALL of his friends have one (yeah, right). When he's old enough to get a job and buy a cell phone then he can have one. Until then, just do what I used to when I was a kid. Get two tin cans and a piece of string.

Need number 3: could we please, please, PLEASE let him watch some of the more mature movies on televison? Translate that into a whole lot more violence and a couple of naked (or half naked) ladies. All of his friends are watching them! (yeah, right) Ummmmmm.........NO. You have the rest of your life after you are 18 to see women in various stages of undress. And believe me, see one....yeah, you've pretty much seen them all. Sorry guy, the block stays blood, no booty.....not in my house.

I think it's going to be a realllllly long 5 and a half years around here.

Peace allll...........

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

I'm with you on this one Sprinkle! (I say that a lot here don't I?)
I'm not big on kids and cell phones. I can see a useful side to them but mostly I see a distracting, money draining side.

I'm lucky, my daughter (age 9) hates blood an violence. She has completely influenced my tv choices. I used to watch Law and Order but they always open with a crime scene! She's cleaning my act up!