Monday, February 13, 2006

Because This Is What I Call A Normal Day

I had a long day yesterday. Had to go to another city with Grover to pick up some cylinders for his job. A hundred mile drive for literally 30 seconds of work. But hey, he's getting paid for it.

After that, we had to go to Wal-Mart. Now, I normally hate going to Wal-Mart and so I wait until the absolute last minute. (Yeah, I know how to pile on the stress;)) Madding crowds, crazy people, men trying to find that last minute Valentine's day something. So I'm trying to buy my little groceries and find some stuff for Joshua to take to his Valentine's Day party at school. Oh, and did I mention it was snowing at the time? And did I mention that people in Huntsville lose their everloving minds every time they see a snowflake? Come on people, this ain't Minnesota.....we're not Ma and Pa Ingalls. A blizzard AIN'T a comin'! So, here I am in the middle of bedlam, trying to remain calm and peaceful and centered and trying not to hit this redneck man who just will NOT get out of the middle of the aisle while he's on his cell phone.

Okay hour and $260 worth of groceries later, we are finally on the way home. I'm relaxing because thank goodness THAT'S over with and I'm enjoying the snowfall and all is good. The day can only get better, right? Maybe in your world.

So we get home and I recruit Grover and Joshua for unloading duty. They unload and bring alllllll those groceries up the stairs and I will unpack and put everything away. Well, they are a little slower unloading than I am unpacking and so while they are outside I decide to sit on the couch and check out the weather. So I sit.

And immediately jump back up hollering. It feels like I have just sat on a lit cigarette, a branding iron, a popped spring. I reach behind me to see what is going on and I have a meat thermometer, yes that's right a meat thermometer, sticking out of my left buttock. (And I have been looking for said meat thermometer for 3 days now....well, I found it.) Because I couldn't reach around and pull the thing out myself without causing further damage, I stuck my head out of the door and ever-so-sweetly called Grover and told him I had "a little problem" and could he hurry upstairs. He did and that's when the freak out began. "What the h***? What happened?" What, you mean you can't tell what happened just by looking? Anyway, to make a long story short, he pulled it out and was nice enough to put some antibiotic ointment on it. The thermometer was about half way in by the way. And as he is reaching into the medicine cabinet while I am bent over the sink, he proceeds to pop me in the head with the door to the medicine cabinet. And my Lukas, with his way with words comes around, looks at my butt and says "Ow, mommy." (Must have gotten the talent for being pithy from me;))

So today, I am sitting, albeit tilted slightly to the right and with a whole lotta soreness. I would complain about it but,'s really not so unusual for me to hurt myself. I don't consider it strange at all that I am the only person I know who has ever impaled themselves with a meat thermometer. At least I found it. And at least I found it before the kids did (even though they're the ones that probably put it there;))

Anyway, I'm going to go put some ice on my back cheek now. I'll just be checking for sharp objects when I do.

Peace allllll..............

P.S. My temperature you might ask? A perfect 98.6:)


Oh great One said...

Does it make me twisted that one after my cringing subsided I started to wonder what temperature your thermometer read?

sprinkle4 said...

OGO: only if it makes me twisted that I was thinking the same thing while I was waiting on Grover to pull it out!

Andrea: as long as you're not cooking rump roast I think you'll be okay;)