Thursday, November 03, 2005

Reality Check

When I was 18, I was going to change the world. I was going to be different. I was going to make a difference. I was going to be like E.F. Hutton....when I talked, people were going to listen. I was anyway.......

20 years later and I realize that life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. I'm different alright;).......sometimes that's a good thing and other times, well.....maybe not so much.

Who knew that when I was making all of those plans 20 years ago, that today I would be dealing with two toddlers with colds, snotty noses, a household that looks like it was just turned upside down and a dog who likes to chew on the handles of my husband's tools?

Who knew back then that the only thing that I would have managed to change today is my clothes? (and I consider myself fortunate to be able to do that;))

Who knew?? Not me.

And looking back, if I could change anything that got me to this point today, would I change anything? Anything at all?

Not a thing:)

The kids will eventually get over their colds, the house will one day be clean (yeah, day), the dog will understand what a Jumbone is for and I will be able to take a leisurely bubble bath, versus a 5 minute shower with the bathroom door open while the kids are napping. So,things change on their own. They don't need my interference.

So, if I had the power to change it I wouldn't. My life may not be as glamorous or as high profile as I had thought it would be when I was 18. I may not be rich, or famous, or stunningly beautiful. But look what I got in return...Josh, Lou, Boo and Grover. Who in their right mind would give that up?

Not me.

Yeah, they're loud, messy, sometimes grouchy and always funny. But they're mine:)

(See, I told y'all I was a little nuts;))

Peace allllll............


sprinkle4 said...

LOL...I do NOT need a making out blog people. How do you think I got these kids in the first place?!?!?!? (2 of 'em anyway)

Oh great One said...

You know Sprinkle, I think they are hitting us now because everyone else has put on the verification thing. We are the last ones they have to bother!

I for one think that you ARE changing the world. You are bringing up 3 great kids. You will have quite a legacy.

SquirrleyMojo said...

glad you feel good about it all