Saturday, November 26, 2005

Two Traditions

I have two non-negotiable traditions for the holiday season. ( I actually have several but these two are the only ones it's actually time for.)

1. I always put my Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. Don't know why, it's just what my Mom always did, so it's what I do. It's a bit of a headache coming on the heels of all that work being done the previous day but it's always worth it when you see the end result. My boys are old enough this year to really enjoy looking at the tree so it's really been a labor of love. Plus, Lukas got to help hand the ornaments to me and Grover while we put them on the tree. Jakob? Well, he just played in the Christmas tree box. Wonder how soon he will start redecorating for us.:)

2. I never, ever, EVER shop on Black Friday. It's stressful, nerve-wracking, and if you're not careful, dangerous. All of these people lining up at 4 in the morning to stampede through a store just to save a little money. I'll spend the extra or I'll do without thank you very much. Some people thrive on it.....I am not one of those people. My mother used to love it and used to drag me to the sales every year on the day after Thanksgiving. Not a tradition I decided to keep. I did venture out today to buy some Christmas decorations and I kinda wished I had stayed at home. Why are so many people so darn mad during the Christmas season? Isn't this supposed to be the season of happiness, good will and peace on earth? (Yeah, I know it's supposed to be but oftentimes it's not.) If you're gonna be angry stay at home. If you're going to be rude, stay at home. If it's not your cup of tea, stay at home. If everyone did that the stores would not be nearly as crowded and I could get some shopping done;).

I'm going to go eat some turkey soup now, along with turkey sandwiches and turkey salad. Hmmmmmm......wonder if anyone has a recipe for turkey cookies??

Peace alllll..........


CaCaBoy said...

I have a tradition as well, we always open our gifts on Christmas morning. Not Christmas Eve, Christmas Day. Most of that day is spent in pj's playing with all the new stuff. It's a terrific stress reliever for me after the "hell" of the shopping season.

I also wish rude, pissy, ass badger folk would stay home for the holidays! We in the retail business don't want them either!

Oh great One said...

My general rule for Christmas is the weekend after Thanksgiving, and I force myself to leave it up until New Years Day.

As far as "Black Friday" goes I won't venture out either! It's too crazy for me.

I have discovered on-line shopping, half my shoppings done and I haven't even left my house!

begins with v said...

ohhh I NEVER go out on black friday either! I'd much rather stay in my cozy home away from people and eating my left over turkey on a sandwhich with some mayo!