Monday, November 14, 2005

Easier Said Than Done

This is a list of the thoughts that have gone through my head at least once this past week since I decided to be a SAHM.

1. I didn't have a clue that this house was this dirty.
2. How many mismatched pairs of socks are in this house?
3. If I run across a body in this closet I won't be surprised.
4. Is that cheese?
5. Is this candy from this Halloween or last?
6. Can you name dust bunnies?
7. I'm glad that Cheerios are flushable.
8. I'm shocked that my husband doesn't know how to build a fort with blankets and chairs.
9. I'm not so shocked that my husband doesn't know how to really clean a bathroom.

Yep, this whole stay at home mom thing is a lottttt harder than it looks in the magazines people!

As soon as I get my house clean and the laundry done I'll let ya know. Shouldn't take more than a week or two.....if I'm lucky.:)

Peace allllllll


begins with v said...

darn spammers!

good luck, girl!!!

begins with v said...

guess what? I will be in Huntsville for Thanksgiving!

visting the in-loves

hope you have a great one!

Mad Housewife said...

SAHM'shave a dirty job, but someone has to do it. Hee hee! Just remember to have fun. And you'll have more timefor baking those buttermilk pies in between building forts out of blankets.

Oh great One said...

I'm excited for you! It'll be quite an adjustment, but I know you will be able to handle it!

Welcome to the club!

sprinkle4 said...

Thanks all you guys for the wonderful welcome into the SAHM club!!

Yes, I will be posting what I paint at some point I hope. I'm kinda slow ya know:)

And as it stands now, cleaning is taking a definite backseat to playing, reading and singing. (loudly and badly....the singing that is;))