Friday, November 11, 2005

Done Deal

Well, I finally did it. I decided to quit my job in favor of being a stay at home mom for a while. Well, a part time SAHM at least. The rest of the time I will be working for Grover and the painting company, painting murals. The time that I will be working will be limited and it is something that I really enjoy doing, versus something that I am just used to doing.

So call me Grandma Moses and wish me luck on this, the latest fun filled chapter in my life! (Because right now I'm torn between being reeeeeeallllly excited and reaaaaaalllllly terrified;))

Peace alllll............


begins with v said...

cheers to you! I hope you love every minute of it, and that maybe you get some needed rest when the kiddies are at school??? Hopeful but doubtful I guess

Oh great One said...

Yay for you! I'm glad you will get to do something you really enjoy doing. I'm a big fan of being happy over being rich.