Monday, August 04, 2008

Out of Shape Blues


First off, thanks for your encouragement and ideas on how I can lose this extra fluffiness of mine. It got me off to a really good start. I went and registered at the Daily Plate, borrowed a workout DVD from a friend, gave the contents of my kitchen cabinets the once-over and got started, just KNOWING this was gonna be a breeze.

After the first 5 minutes of the exercise DVD, my body said "What are you doing? It's time to sit down now.....please.....NOW." And when I didn't, my body proceeded to curse me like a dog, all the way until the end. Today, over a week later, it's not as bad...but it still ain't good yet. Does it ever get good? Really? Because I see these people that just LOVE to exercise and while part of me is kind of envious because they are in such great shape, another part of me is just thinking " twisted, abnormal, exercise loving freak."

I guess I just didn't realize how out of shape I really am. My teenage glory days of running a kazillion miles a day without being out of breath are gone. Used to be my heavy breathing was reserved for amorous occasions. Now, I'm gasping by the time I reach the end of the block. Not quite as sexy I'm sure but, oh well. It serves a better purpose anyway. (Not really....I'd love to count sex as an exercise but it doesn't burn enough calories.......I mean, it could, but you'd have to get the pony and the top hat and........well, never mind.)

And this evening, there is meet and greet at the boys' school where we get to go and meet their teachers and so on. Sounds like fun, except they are calling it an Ice Cream Social. That's right. My fat tuchus and a room full of ice cream. Does it GET any better than that? Oh, well, I guess I can walk an extra mile (or 20) to work it off. If my body will let me get out of the chair that is.

Peace allllllllllllllll.....................


Granny Annie said...

You are doing great!! Keep up the good work. Do you exercise in front of the TV? I ride my exercise bike and watch TV and that makes the time go fast. Or I listen to an audio booktape with walkman and sometimes I read while I ride.

sprinkle4 said...

I exercise in front of the computer and watch music videos while I work out. It makes me move faster! (And it looks like a really disturbing dance:))

Ed & Jeanne said...

I've had a couple of friends that simply watch their food a little more carefully and then do a 30 to 1 hour walk every day and both of them lost around 40 pounds doing so. Nothing too hard and nothing too extreme but they were dilligent.

sprinkle4 said...

That's basically what I'm doing, even though that diligence thing can be a real......(insert any cuss word here). I tried the Tae Bo 8 minute workout and only got through 3 minutes of it, so I think that walking will be my exercise du jour. It's less strenuous and when you do it really slowly around the neighborhood, you can almost hear your neighbors arguing inside their homes:)

Oh great One said...

Good for you!

The daily plate is a great tool. If NOTHING else it makes you aware of what you are consuming. For me that was huge.

Walking is a fantastic workout! That's my exercise of choice I just use the tapes when I know I won't be able to get a walk in, like if the weather is bad or I don't have a parter.

I'm not an exercise LOVER but it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it did in the beginning. Now it's just part of my day. I don't dread it anymore.

Keep at it my dear! Seeing the results will spur you on!

sprinkle4 said...

I love the Daily Plate! I never knew just how MUCH fat I was consuming until I started tracking my intake and then it just grossed me out.

I don't think I will ever be an exercise lover but I do look forward to it first thing in the morning.....getting it over with mostly and then, after I'm done, feeling good about myself because I dug in there and did it:)

elizabeth said...

" twisted, abnormal, exercise loving freak."

Hope that doesn't include me??!! lol

Let me give you hope... I was thin in highschool and then after I popped out two babies in two years - I ballooned. Now, though it was hard work, I'm smaller than I was in highschool and way healthier. It's totally possible. I've lost about 40 pounds since I had my daughter and I feel fantastic. You can do it. You really can.

sprinkle4 said...

Well, of COURSE it includes you! But only in the kindest, most loving way possible:) No, you I'm used to....with your stretching and pulling and pilates and I can overlook this one flaw in your otherwise brilliant personality;)

If I could get smaller than I was in high school, I would be so HOT....of course, if I turned sideways I'd be invisible too...but hey, you win some you lose some:)