Friday, July 25, 2008

Weight and See and In and Out

Okay, I've got a problem. You all know that I quit smoking, right? (Like how could we not, you bring it up all the time, whoot, whoot, whatever, okay) Now, although I am pleased as proverbial punch to be coming up on my 4th month as a non smoker (as of 11:30 Sunday night:)), there is one thing that I am not pleased about and I was thinking that maybe you guys or girls or any in betweens could give me some advice.

I have gained a buttload of weight. Not just a buttload, but a stomachload, a couple of armsloads, and definitely a thighload or two. I'm not talking a couple of chocolate pounds....I'm talking like around the 35-40 pound mark. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life. I have never been a heavy person (except for my two pregnancies and I don't count that) and I have never had to go on a diet. But, oh how times have changed.

Thing is, since I have never had to go on a diet until now, I really don't know what I am doing. I tried to cut back on intake but everything just looks so darn good! Especially now that I can actually taste it:) If I could just lose the first 10 pounds, that would be motivation enough to kick in on the rest. It's just I don't know how to lose that first 10 pounds. If anyone has any advice, other than the eat less and move more advice (which I really don't need), please send it my way. This is gonna be a lot of fun I can tell! (insert sarcasm here.....)

And on a completely different note:

Congratulations to my best friend in the whole wide world Rachel on becoming a GREAT-GRANDMOTHER on July 23rd to Amore Deshaun. Welcome to the world, little one!! Now this IS gonna be a lotta fun!

Peace allllllllll..............

P.S. RIP Estelle made my teenage years much more bearable, and I have many memories of me and my mom yukking it up while you were on. Thanks so much. You will be missed.



Granny Annie said...

This is a tough one friend. Weight gain just goes hand-in-hand with stopping smoking. A friend of mine would run in place each time the urge to smoke hit her. Another friend would chew her dessert treats, enjoy the flavor, then spit it out. I have no doubt you can whip the weight gain just like you're whipping the smoking but you really should not tackle both at the same time. I'm learning the exercise part is the most painful but the best way to lose weight. It has taken almost 50 days, but I've now lost 5 pounds! Please keep inspiring me with your success!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Want to lose weight? When it's not looking, run away...far away.

Oh great One said...

While I am not an expert I have just hit the 50lbs lost mark. Here is what works for me. Nothing is off limits to me EXCEPT soda. (Nothing of value in soda just sugar.) I LOVE dark chocolate and need just a little something sweet after dinner. I use those dove chocolates because it's just enough to give me what I need. As for everything else I pay attention to the serving size.

I aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Sometimes its an exercise video sometimes it's mowing the lawn or walking with my husband. It just needs to get your heartrate up. My doc told me over 120bpm.

I keep a food journal. It helps me see exactly how many calories I am consuming. I use the It records calories as well as how many you burn through activity.

I treat calories like money. When I work out I get more. When I eat I use them up.

Hey it works for me.