Saturday, August 23, 2008

Guess What?

Hey guess what?

In three days, I will have been a non-smoker for 5 whole months! Whoo Hoo!!!!!

In the past 3 weeks or so I have lost 5 pounds and 2 inches in the waist. Whoo Hoo!!!! America's Next Top Model, here I come!!! (Yes, I KNOW I am too old for that show!)

And speaking of old, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!~!!! I am a raging, ravishing 41 year old today! And yet another Whoo Hoo!!! for me. And for the first time in my ENTIRE life, I have not mentioned my birthday to anyone at all in the past couple of months (like I usually do). I want to see who remembers on their own. This is gonna be fun, I can tell!:)

So, I'm healthier, lighter and one year more experienced . Does it get any better?!?!?

Blessings on everyone!

Peace allllllllllllllll....................


Granny Annie said...

I am in awe of your success. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

Lizard said...

Blessed Birthday to u,sis!!

Have a great one!

God bless u always! *hugs*

Oh great One said...

Congratulations on kicking BUTT! Cigarette butts that is!

YAY for you for losing weight and inches. It really feels good and helps motivate you doesn't it?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! You fabulous 41 year old, non smoking, five pounds lighter lady you!

Ed & Jeanne said...

I remembered. Well...after I read this post that is... HB2U

elizabeth said...

HUZZAH! Happy birthday and congrats on the no smoking thing. I know how you feel! Good job!