Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Where Was I Again?

Good grief...

Who knew that there was this much to do with 3 kids in school? Well, the people out there with 3 kids in school obviously. Wow.....between getting them up, getting them ready, getting them to two different schools (on time, no less), half-days, PTA, volunteering for a million different things, Fall pictures (already!), Fall fundraisers (already!), Band fundraisers (always), getting them home from school, doctor's appointments, dentist appointments, signing up for this, that and the other....I don't even know what I am doing half the time anymore. But I am having a BLAST doing it! Who knew it could be this much fun?!

Only one problem (and isn't there always just one?) of the teachers. She's not mean or anything, she's just.....maybe....I don't know....a little cold for a kindergarten teacher (in my opinion anyway). This would be Jakob's teacher. Lukas' teacher is a real, old-fashioned good teacher. I love her to pieces. You can tell just from talking to her that she really loves her job (she's been teaching for about 20 years) and she has a real heart for children (you can't fake that, no matter how hard you try). She's not syrupy sweet but she is really kind-hearted with her kids and Lukas and the rest of them are just crazy about her.

Jakob's teacher, on the other hand, is the "cold" one. She's nice enough but it's like a fake nice. It really makes me uncomfortable. Jakob likes her well enough, so it's just me that has the issue. And I don't want to show favoritism between the two teachers (since I have to see and talk to them both everyday) because I wouldn't want the kids to be affected by it. Anyhow, it's just one of those irritations that you find in life and ordinarily it would just be something for me to fuss about, but since it involves my boys, it kinda makes it something else.

Anyhow, I'll get over it, I'm sure.:)

And I just wanted to drop in and let everyone know, I'm still around and as soon as I can get my schedule organized then I may actually have time to sit down and blog (or stand up and blog, either one is fine).

Oh, yeah, don't forget: HALLOWEEN IS IN 57 DAYS!! (And we all know that is the kickoff to the holiday season) So, get your battle armor on, because it's almost time to go Christmas shopping!!!!!! (Too soon? Please, I've got a Christmas tree put up in the spare bedroom. It's not decorated but it's standing there and has been since the end of July. Don't ask.)

Peace allllllllllllllllllll................


Granny Annie said...

You are way too pumped up! Guess it's a good thing you didn't get a Vice Presidential nod. LOL

Oh great One said...

It's so funny you say that about Jakob's teacher! We had an open house for my sons new preschool. I came away with the same feeling! I told my husband that she didn't have that warm fuzzy preschool teacher feel. I'm trying to keep an open mind because there was a room full of parents there and maybe she wasn't being herself. We'll see.
He was supposed to start last Tuesday but the hurricane took care of that. Maybe next week.

I'm glad things are going well.

elizabeth said...

I hate "fake" nice. I'd much rather people just be mean.