Saturday, June 28, 2008

This is where we went today, boys and girls. The Blue Angels air show. And I say this in my best surferspeak : " was AWESOME!!!" It was totally off the chain and all that other good stuff. If it comes anywhere near you guys (or girls), make sure and go see it. Hope you don't mind me telling you what to do and all. Have a great weekend!!!!

Peace alllllllllllllllll...........................


Oh great One said...

I just heard today on the news that at high winds at an airshow in AL blew over tents and killed a five year old boy on Sunday. I'm so glad this post was on SATURDAY! As soon as I saw the story I thought of you!

sprinkle4 said...

Yes, it was caused by a microburst. There is a also a 7 year old in critical condition. God bless them and their families.

elizabeth said...

We used to have an awesome airshow here - but it got cancelled cause of 9-11. I miss it!