Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stuff and Such

You know what irritates me? Well, not so much irritates me as things I could do without.

You know when you're watching television and right when the 10 minute block of commercials comes on, they have someone say "Don't touch that dial (remote)" or "Don't even think of changing channels, we'll be right back"? Well, I do. That's right, I change the channel, if only for a second. I shall not allow some disembodied voice to tell me what to do and so, when this happens, I must go against the grain....I just must.

People who wear those #@$%****? bluetooth headsets all the time. Unless your company is in the middle of a hostile takeover or your wife is about to give birth, you don't really need one of those things growing out of your ear, do ya? I will tell you what everyone around you is thinking.....you are NOT that important and you really look kinda dumb. Sort of like those potbellied men who wear black socks with sandals and have their shirts unbuttoned so everyone can see their gold medallion nestled in a carpet of chest hair........yeah, about that dumb......and egotistical.

Ladies (and men) who let their underwear ride up over their pants. I don't care what your drawers look like. I really don't. If you want the world to see your bloomers, just don't bother putting on the pants. Like your butt cleavage has the world at large drooling...it doesn't. Maybe a little bit, like you get right before you throw up but beyond that....well, you know.

And now for something completely different.....

We bought the kids some bunkbeds....you know, the stackable kind that as they grow older you can take apart and make two twin beds. Well, turns out neither one of them would get up on the top bunk! So, we had to separate them. Oh, well....at least they have beds to sleep in....if they'll stay in them, that is. They really love to sleep with Mom and Dad.

The remaining animals are all doing well. They really love to sleep with Mom and Dad too. (Mom and Dad need to get a bigger bed)

And I stayed up until 1 a.m. last night (this morning) doing laundry and cleaning the house. Why? Because I didn't want to do it today:) Because I am at heart a lazy scrub who would much rather lay in the grass outside and read a book alllll day while the kids play. That's what summertime is for anyway.

See ya! Don't forget to use sunscreen!!

Peace alllllllllllllllllllllllll.............................


Granny Annie said...

Hooray for your speaking out against those darn bluetooth thingies. I hate those meeses (i.e. headsets) to pieces.....

Glad your boys have enough smarts to stay off top bunks. I have always hated bunk beds.

Ed & Jeanne said...

I support your laziness...in fact, I'll join you in complete laziness.

Oh great One said...

I think the whole cell phone thing is out of hand all together. People are with people but prefer to talk to people who aren't there? ACK!

Top bunks creep me out too! NO THANK YOU! Your boys are smart! *wink*

Lounging in the grass reading a book sounds wonderful but after staying up till 1 I'd fall asleep in stead.

Shane said...

How goes the smokelessness?