Wednesday, October 05, 2005


In my line of work, I have ample opportunity to do something that I really people. Since I was a little kid, I have had a fascination with people. I love to talk to them, to observe them, to see how they interact with one another, to try to figure out what makes them tick. I have an insatiable curiousity when it comes to how the wheels turn in a person's mind. Sometimes, I am pleasantly surprised;however, as of late, it seems that people, by and large are becoming....well....shallow.

I don't know when it became fashionable in our society to become so self-absorbed. Did it start with our parents and their unwillingness to 'damage' our psyche with such concepts as remorse, shame and accountability? Or did it start with my generation? The teens of the 80's (the biggest ME generation that has ever been)? Or did it start more recently, with our college students and their overwhelming sense of hubris and pomposity?

And, once it started, when did it become OKAY? Okay to think of no one other than yourself, okay to have the attitude of 'screw the world, I've got mine'? When did it become OKAY to acknowledge only your rights and never your responsibilities?

Money=class.....when did this become an accepted school of thought? Why do so many haves look down their noses at the have nots?

Why do so many 'children of privilege' not have a clue about what it means to actually work for a living? I understand the concept that parents want their children to have a better, easier life than they have had. I certainly do not want my kids to go through some of the things that I have had to go through in my life. However, what is wrong in raising kids with a sense of common courtesty, social responsibility and a real work ethic?

What is wrong with teaching kids to say 'thank you' and to hold a door open for someone? What is right with teaching kids that they are the big dogs on the porch?

I am full up to my eyeballs with rude people. People who think that common courtesy and civility are for everyone else, not them. The ones who think that 'me first' is actually okay. The ones who think they are the only reason for this world's existence. I have a couple of points for them to consider:

1. The world does NOT revolve around you. Never has, never will.
2. Money does NOT equal class. You can have all the money in the world and still be a tacky, classless slug.
3. You are NOT the beginning and end of my existence. Your thoughts and opinions have very little relevance to the rest of the world, just like mine don't.
4. No one cares if you are in a hurry, or a huff. Get over yourself.
5. I don't have to like you and you don't have to like me.....but can't we at least do that mutual civility thing? It really works well.

Well, as usual, I have probably made no sense to anyone but myself today. But, I have grown used to that over the years.;)

Peace alllll.............

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

Preach it sista!

One of my biggest peeves is that people don't show common courtesy to one another. You, as usual, have said it better than I could.