Thursday, April 03, 2008

Additions and Checking In

I woke up today, went to the bathroom, took out the trash, and woke Grover up for work ......all without coughing once. So? So, I haven't been able to wake up without hacking up a lung in 10 years! Yeah, this whole no smoking thing is working out pretty well. This whole gaining weight thing ....well, maybe not so much:)

We have had a few new members added to our household recently. We got a call yesterday from a friend of mine asking if we wanted a dog. Well, as you know, we only lost Prancer last week, so we weren't really sure if it was too soon or if we should wait. But, since it was my friend calling, we thought we would go over and give it a look-see. It was a little rat terrier/hound puppy who was about two seconds from having to go to the pound. It was love at first sight. When Grover gets watery eyed, know that all bets are off.....the puppy was coming with us.:)

So we got him home and made introductions all around and the puppy proceeded to start jumping on Foxy's head....which she did not like at all but she put up with it. We have named the puppy Colonel. Because he came in and took over the house:)

Our cat Thunder just had a litter of kittens 3 days ago. Her first litter but she's a natural born mommy cat. She has 4 babies...don't know if they're boys or girls yet...haven't wanted to bother her by looking. But I have explained to her that this is her last hurrah. She's getting spayed in 6 weeks. We had the appointment to do it 2 months ago, but that was before we realized she was pregnant already. Tramp:)

So, let's do the head count now for sprinkleshouse:

2 dogs
2 cats
4 kittens
2 little boys
1 teenager
1 dad

and me.

Where did I put my Calgon? I think I'm gonna need it!

Peace alllllllllllllll.............


Oh great One said...

I'm on the fence about a new pet. I wonder if it would be better for my lone cat to have a friend, she's never been alone. I'm just not sure if I want to get attached to another one so soon. Let me know how it goes please?

Good luck and I'll be buying stock in Calgon. I hear they'll be through the roof soon! *wink*

Ed & Jeanne said...

I'm holding out for a sloth...they're quite mellow.

Granny Annie said...

I had a college professor who stood in front of our class and coughed and coughed until she could slip out and smoke to stop coughing. I was a smoker but vowed I would never be that pathetic. I was that pathetic before I stopped smoking. Believe me, you will love getting rid of that cough. You've got enough fuzzy animals and kids now to just grab one up and hug it everytime you desire a smoke. Surely one will be available at all times.

elizabeth said...

Sheeesh. You'll need Calgon AND a nice bottle of red. Chaos - but fun and full of love!!