Monday, April 21, 2008

Go Green? You Know Where You Can Go

You know, I'm just gonna say it. If I see one more magazine advertisement, commercial, or product in a store encouraging me to GO GREEN, I'm going to grab the nearest spin doctor and beat the crap out of him or her. I am SO tired of being told what to do by people who think that they know best. So tired.

I recycle. Have been since I was 10 years old.......a little while before it became fashionable. I turn off the lights if I leave the room and I turn off the water while I'm brushing my teeth. Because I don't want a kazillion dollar electricity or water bill that's why. I don't do it because I'm told to....I do it because it makes sense. I don't do it because I think that if I don't I will kill the earth. I do not think that we will ever kill the earth. It will kill us first. Because guess what people? We are ALL going to die eventually.....the earth is gonna last a whole lot longer than we will.

In the rare case of a Christian agreeing with an atheist on anything;), I do wholeheartedly agree with George Carlin on the absolute arrogance of people who want to 'save the planet'. We can't even take care of the PEOPLE on the planet. "4 and a half billion years of existence vs. 200 years or so of industrialism".........well the math is not hard. These people aren't worried about the planet, they're worried about themselves. Half the world is starving, people in Haiti are having to eat dirt cookies and companies are spending billions of dollars to make their packaging pretty and green and pretend they're socially responsible. If you were socially responsible, you'd be sending someone some rice or cheese or something.

My husband, who is a great guy and who really knows how to push my buttons, bought me something yesterday. He bought me a can of chicken noodle soup. Campbell's chicken noodle soup. In a GREEN and white celebration of Earth Day. WTF?????? You just spent millions of dollars to make that can green and white and with the money you spent to do that you could have just sent some soup to somebody who was HUNGRY!

I celebrate earth day every day. Every day I go outside and I am thankful that we (I and the earth) are still here for another day. And then I proceed to use a little common sense to help take care of the place where I live. I don't do it because it's socially fashionable and I don't do it because some celebrity told me I should. I do it because it makes sense. I don't make commercials about it and I don't take out ads for it. I prefer to use my money for a better helping the PEOPLE who are on the planet. By trying to make a person or two's life a little easier while they're here on this planet.

My point is, take care of your part of the earth because it makes sense, not because it makes you look good.

And now, I am going outside, taking a deep breath of fresh air, while it's still available, and reminding myself to take care of my little corner of the earth while I'm still here.

Peace allllll................


Oh great One said...

Ha! I have green cans of Tomato soup in my cabinet! I'm with you, if they put half as much time and energy into helping instead of promoting we'd be better off.

Granny Annie said...

I love it Sprinkle when you get on the bandstand! (band wagon? high horse? pulpit? whatever...) I haven't bought a brand name product for so long, I have no idea about going "green" or anything else. I buy inexpensive products that don't pour money into advertising. I don't know if you ever heard Sam Kineson, but he was a rather crude comedian who screamed his act. I'll always love what he said about the videos of starving children. He screamed at the organization making a plea to feed the children and told them to "PUT DOWN THEIR F---ING CAMERAS AND GIVE THE KIDS SANDWICHES!"

begins with v said...

dang girl, you go.

You know what I hate most about it? Going green costs way more, when it should cost less!!!! They have this "green" windex now that has totall "safe" ingredients and it should cost less money, but it costs like $2 more than the stuff that has WAY more ingredients in it! What the *&@#!

Jamie Dawn said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!!
This post is great! I agree that we are having Go Green pushed down our throats. I am not convinced that manmade global warming exists. I do know that turning off the lights when they are not in use translates into lower electric bills, so that makes sense, just like you said.
The whole idea that our planet is in peril and some kind of unimaginable crisis just does not ring true to me.

elizabeth said...

Hmmm. There has been an awful lot of this green-ness going around hasn't there.

It's starting to effect me.... found out I can't reuse water bottles and tostitos are bad.

What am I going to do? *wimper*

Jon said...

I think sadly some people lack the common sense to do the basic things you mention.