Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Irritation, Frustration and All the Other Ations

I'm frustrated and irritated.

I am frustrated because people have a tendency to frustrate and irritate other people and this is what has happened to me recently. Some of it could be considered none of my business but that has never stopped me (or any other breathing human) from having an opinion.

I'm irritated that a whore has a "singing career" jump started and people are inordinately interested in her because she's a whore. Prostitute, call girl, trollop....whatever you wanna call it...a ho is a ho is a ho. Not that I have anything against them necessarily, except for their tendency to perpetuate the marginalization, objectification and exploitation of women in our society. Sorry, yes you CAN work at Waffle House. (And no, I don't think I am better than anyone......except maybe someone who would sleep with a married man and use the fallout from it NOT to apologize for my part in it but to further my non-existent "career".)

I'm frustrated because I've been watching American Idol and this whole talk of some the contestants having had previous record deals is annoying. In my fantasies, the winner of this show should be someone who has been plucked from the cornfields of Kansas or the subways of New York....a person whose only audience to this point has been their church members or their parents or the family cat, or horse, or chicken. You know, a real undiscovered talent. These people with their previous record deals that went nowhere, well you had your shot, now let someone else get theirs.

I'm aggravated because this season's crop on Hell's Kitchen is pathetic.

I'm frustrated because no network execs have come to make a reality show out of MY life....I gots some reality for ya! And it has nothing to do with big boobs and who is sleeping with whom.

I'm irritated because my mother -in-law and her sister are coming to town for the weekend of Grover's birthday. Oh, I love just takes an entire month for me to get the house "clean enough" for them. And even then it won't know it won't. And he acts like a totally different person when his mom is here.....kinda rude and patronizing like he's afraid I'll make a mistake or something. What kind of mistake? Oh, who knows....maybe buying the wrong kind of gum...something dumb like that. The whole thing is making him a nervous wreck and irritating me.

I'm aggravated because I reallllllllly want a cigarette.....realllllly.

And I'm frustrated because, courtesy of YouTube (which I love, don't get me wrong), idiots can become stars overnight. Literally.

And on that note, let me figure out how this webcam thing works.:)

Peace alllllll..............


Oh great One said...

I'm tired of all these people getting noticed for their bad behavior too. The ho you speak of, the girls who beat up another girl and posted it, and all the rest. It's infuriating.

If you were closer I'd come clean your house with you, then I'd have your back if there were any complaints! *wink*

The Zombieslayer said...

I've never watched American Idol, but if I were running that show, it would be bands, not single people. I can't stand most solo acts. If you think band folk have ego, solo acts are through the roof.

I don't know what ho you're referring to. I guess I'm getting old and out of touch. :(

Granny Annie said...

Hum, sounds like a case of nicotine withdrawal and PMS at the same time. Turn off the Reality shows.

Since you already know you won't be able to get the house "clean enough" don't clean it at all. If they complain, show them where the broom and cleaning supplies are kept and offer to let them knock themselves out.

Tell sweet Grover if he treats you differently in front of his family that you will moon him in front of them each time he gets weird.

Kick back and relax.

elizabeth said...

Hey! Great idea. I wanna be a star now too... wherever did I put that webcam? And why the heck did I buy one anyhoo??? Seriously?

Lizard said...

hmm..persevere on ya sis,pray for a change!! God bless you :)