Monday, October 06, 2008

Taking a Breath

Finally! Fall break has arrived and I don't have to take kids to school this week, I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn this week, I don't have to call teachers or talk to PTA people or look presentable or do anything other than schlep around and clean the house. No homework, no laundry, no pairing off of the Garanimals every night (or a week's worth on Sunday night), just playing outside and enjoying the falling leaves. Aaaaaahhhhh......

So, now that I finally have a chance to sit down and write....or read...or breathe. Lots and lots of things have been going on in the world and don't think I haven't noticed.

First of all, congratulations OJ Simpson. You might not have paid for the first time but thank the good Lord someone is ensuring you pay for your second. It does come around in the end after all don't it?

Second, I don't ordinarily watch the television show The View. My friend Rachel does and since she spent the night over here last night, guests rule and we watched it this morning. That Elizabeth (sp?) chick is a dope. Yes, she has the right to her own opinions and free speech and all that. Just quit bein such a big crybaby about everything. The doe eyes and the pouty lip thing....does that ever really work?

And thirdly, the debates. I have enjoyed the first two better than anything you could possibly catch at the movie theater. I have laughed, I have cried, I have gasped in shock. Really? No, not really. But they have been entertaining. It's always fun for me to see who can outcon the other. The concerned facial expressions and the warm body language. These guys...if politics ever fails, then Broadway would love to have 'em. Am I a little cynical concerning our Presidential and Vice Presidential hopefuls? Little bit, yeah.

Speaking of the candidates however, one thing. If you choose to divulge for whom you will be voting, then that's cool. That's your business, after all. If you choose NOT to divulge for whom you will be voting, then that's cool too. That's YOUR business, after all. I don't feel anyone should be coerced into sharing their politicial opinions. That's why we have SECRET ballots, because some things are just not anyone else's business.

But, however it goes, it is gonna be an interesting next few weeks.

Now, I'm off to see where I can buy the best Halloween candy.:)

Peace allllllll................


Oh great One said...

I wonder why we even bother to have debates anymore. They only answer the questions they want to anyway. If the get one they don't like they switch it around to something else whether it's related or not. BOTH parties do.

I just find myself getting cranky and yelling at the t.v. "THAT'S NOT WHAT THEY ASKED!"

Granny Annie said...

Thank you dear Sprinkle for pointing out the "Secret Ballot" thing. Why, why do we all feel so compelled to discuss our choice when no one really knows who anyone else actually votes for!

Speaking of not having to "look presentable", that's why I love being a chicken farmer. I don't miss the days of skirts, high heels and panty hose one single bit.

Hope you have enjoyed your Fall break. You deserve it.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Best Halloween candy? Switzerland. The chocolate is pretty darn good!!!