Sunday, September 21, 2008


Meet the newest member of the Sprinkle household. Her name is Snoots. One of Grover's friends from work had a friend who was going to give her to the dog pound, so we decided we would take her. And can you blame us? Who could resist that face??

And so now, after a bath, a flea dip and a vet's appointment later, she is firmly ensconced in the household. Now, if I could just get the cats to like her, everything will be lovely!

Peace allllllllllllll..............


Granny Annie said...

It takes a while for pictures to open on my slow computer and I was anxiously awaiting the vision of Snoots, imagining all kinds of faces and sizes. When the picture opened, I exclaimed out loud, laughed and clapped with glee. Oh she is a winner for sure!

Oh great One said...

What a cutie!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Awww...look at those eyes. They're saying, "I didn't chew up your expensive shoes..."

elizabeth said...

How adorable! I keep going back and forth about getting another dog... so much work.