Monday, April 28, 2008

Is It Safe To Come Out Now??

Well, I made it through the MIL and the Auntie's visit. They are leaving this morning and Grover is on his way to see them off. Was it really that bad? No, not really. The boys really, really enjoyed being with them, and the feeling was mutual, so....anything that my babies enjoy, I can deal with:)

Lukas and Jakob got their very first ride on a carousel....the first ride was in one of the teacup things and the second one was on the horses with Dad....Jakob freaked on the horse ....Mom freaked on the teacup. I didn't know those things would spin like that while the rest of the carousel was spinning the other way! Oh, I got sick and dizzy and they had to stop the thing so I could get off. It was pretty funny, after the fact of course.

And I learned this weekend that going out to eat will make you tired. See that's what they like to do....they don't really like to cook at home and they have the money to do it, so they eat out more often than not. They took us out to eat twice and both times I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got home. Still am as a matter of fact.

And now, everyone is gone....MIL and Auntie back to Florida, Josh to school, Grover to see his peoples off and then to work. The kids are asleep and the house is quiet. sweet it is! But maybe I should be catching up on MY sleep.....hmmmm. Clean the house or sleep? Clean the house or sleep? I think we all know who is coming out on top in this one.


Peace allllllllllll...............


Oh great One said...

I'm glad the visit went better than expected. Happy late birthday to Grover and happy cleaning to you! I know cleaning won out over sleep....;)

Granny Annie said...

I'm typing this very quietly just in case you chose sleep. Glad all went well.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Isn't that New York you pretty much eat out every night...

Jon said...

I'm glad the visit went ok.

Onother news I am fascinated by the fact that your Meez has just danced in time to an entire track I was listening to.

begins with v said...

You didn't happen to be in the walmart in madison the other day did you? I was getting baby food and this beautiful black woman in purple scrubs came up looking for something. I told her that we (baby slade and I) were sorry for being in her way, and she said, Oh no problem, I've got three at home. I don't know why, but it made me think of you. And I thought to myself...I wonder if we've ever met and just don't know it! hehe

sprinkle4 said...

Nah, that wouldn't be me I'm afraid. I'm a white girl! Or am I?;) but I do love Wally World!