Friday, October 22, 2004

A waitress complains :-)

Just wanted to ask a question. Why are people soooooo rude when they go out to eat at a restaurant??? Having been a waitress before and a customer as well I have been able to see this issue from both sides of the fence. What ever happened to just plain old decency when you are out in public? As a waitress here are some of my pet peeves about SOME customers:

CELL PHONES!!!!! When you have a waitress standing there waiting to take your order put your cell phone down. You are not the President of the United States. You are not a celebrity ( except maybe in your own mind). You are not special enough to keep someone ,who is probably busy themselves ,waiting!! Please put it down for just a minute. I promise....the person on the other end of the line will wait while you order some fries.

NON-TIPPERS!! I am not talking about tipping if you receive poor service. You should not tip then. However, if you receive good to excellent service, please tip. A lot of waiters/waitresses only make 2.13 an hour and this is how we pay our bills. Yeah, I know we could find another job. And you can stop making excuses for being cheap and go find a dollar menu at McDonald's.

VERBALLY ABUSIVE/SARCASTIC CUSTOMERS! Be careful about irritating your server. Ya never know what you might find in your onion rings. Now, I have never done this myself, nor would I condone doing it;however, not everyone is like me!:-)

Anyway, just needed to vent before I put on my happy face and get in the trenches at my local watering hole. Whoo hoo!!

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