Saturday, March 18, 2006

Just Putting a Couple of Things Out There

I am not an anal retentive snob by nature. Of course, I have those tendencies. I believe that everyone does from time to time, especially when it comes to peeves, pet or otherwise. And some days you just have enough of your irritations and frustrations and you just need to get it off of your chest. So here goes my sweet release:

1. It is NOT "aren't I?". It is "am I not?" Because I are would sound kinda weird any way you put it. Remember 4th grade contractions? Okay then. I never understood why this particular phrase ever came into vogue and why people continue to use it.

2. It is either REGARDLESS or IRRESPECTIVE. It is not, nor has it ever been IRREGARDLESS. (Sorry, my dad passed that one on to me years ago...another gift that just keeps on giving.)

3. Has anyone ever seen the show "Everybody Hates Chris"? I've watched it a few times. Anyway, the young man that plays the child Chris Rock character is a fine young actor. He was at an awards show recently and a reporter was interviewing him. She asked him what role would he really like to play in a movie. And he replied that he would like to play the role of Emmett Till. The reporter did not even know who that was. It is a shame that adults don't even remember this young man and then we expect our young people to really understand what the Civil Rights movement was all about. If you don't know this young man's story, please read it at It's important and everyone should know it.

4. I am so tired of seeing people's boob jobs, rhinoplasties, tummy tucks and liposuctions. We are becoming an increasingly plasticized nation. When are we going to stop? When we all look like pod people? I don't care how big your boobs are or how big your belly is. If you're nice, we're cool. If you're a jerk, well then, you're just a jerk with bigger breasts and a smaller gut.

5. Women, please, please, please pull your daughters aside and let them know that the grinding and gyrating they see on televsion (or even walking down the street) is not appropriate behavior for a lady. And while you're at it, please reinforce in your sons that they should never expect a lady to behave that way.

6. What happened to all of the classic books that I used to read and why don't young people read them anymore? Beowulf, Dante, Sister Carrie, Silas Marner, Little Women, The Canterbury Tales, etc., etc......these were the tales of my youth and I understand that I could be considered ancient now, but still;)

7. It is not polite to interrupt, no matter how badly you may want to, unless someone's life is in imminent danger.

Okay, I'm done for now. Just for now, mind you. I'll be back later.

Have a nice day!:)

Peace allllllll..............



Granny Annie said...

Excellent. My grandchildren are here for Spring Break and I shall be sharing this with them. Thanks.

Oh great One said...

Preach it Sprinkle! It feels so good it can't be wrong!

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