Monday, March 13, 2006

Catching Up

Let's see...where to begin. Last Monday, Grover and I went to the store to get a couple of sodas. The store is maybe a quarter of a mile away. We left Josh to watch the kids. This is not a new thing, as he is very trustworthy and has always done a great job with them. Well, as we are coming back, we are pulling up in front of the house and we see Josh standing out front on the walkway on the phone. As we pull into the driveway, we see that he is crying...hard. The first thing that goes through my head is that one of the kids has had an accident. Turns out that while we were gone Josh had to go to the bathroom and when he came out the front door was wide open and Lukas was gone. Josh was on the phone with 911. So, here I am trying my best to remain calm (and failing miserably) while I get on the phone with the 911 operator. I can remember my child's name, I can remember how much he weighs and how tall he is but I cannot remember for the life of me WHAT MY CHILD HAS ON. It is dark outside, it is cold, my child is missing and I can't remember what the heck I put on him to wear for the day.

So, the cops show up and tell us that they have a canine unit on the way and because of that we can't move. We can't go look for our child, we can't even walk down to the neighbors to ask if they have seen him, because we might carry his scent on us and confuse the dog. At this point, I am completely hysterical, Josh is in the house sobbing on the couch and Grover is stuck between the two of us. 12 cop cars are in the neighborhood by this time. (Where was Jakob during all of this? In the bedroom watching television, totally oblivious to all of the drama)

Right when the canine unit pulls up, the police officer who is there with us gets a call and says that they have found him. A block and a half away. These wonderful people who live in a house on that street just happened to be outside and just happened to see him running down the street. The man chased him down, caught him and called 911. So, the officer takes me in the back of a police car to go get my child. In all the commotion and the hubbub, I never even got these people's name. I did thank them, however, most tearfully and profusely. And I will be sending them a thank you card and anything else they might need to fully express my gratitude.

Needless to say, we now have brand new double key deadbolt locks on allll the doors in the house. Just in case.

And if I never say it again (and I probably won't), God bless the Huntsville City police department.

And I am buying a Polaroid camera to take pictures of my kids every morning now so I don't ever forget what they're wearing;)

Meanwhile back at the ranch, on to less "dramatical" (as Flavor Flav would put it) happenings:

1.Saw the season finale of Flavor of Love last night. Sooooo good to see that wacko psycho New York go home finally. And yes, I will be watching the reunion show in 2 weeks as well. What? You thought I only watched Masterpiece Theatre and documentaries? Please. There's something to be said for good old-fashioned brain rot every once in a while. Keeps you centered and keeps you from getting snobbish.

2. I will be planting a garden this year, if I can get this yard together in time. The previous tenants left a big ole mess out here, sticks and all sorts of junk that I have been cleaning up for a week.


So, now I am going to clean said back yard, after I check all the locks.

Peace alllll.........


Oh great One said...

Oh my goodness! My heart was about to pound out of my chest reading this! How scary! I'm glad everyone is ok! Thank goodness for those neighbors!

I'm happy about Flav choosing Hoops too! New York is just creepy! I don't know that Hoops and Flav will work out but she was the better choice. I'll be watching the reunion too! They showed alot of footage of N.Y. in the teaser didn't they?

I'm in the same boat you are! We are cleaning up alot of twigs and crud in our yard too. I have most of it under control except for the area I'd like to put the garden in. It is flooded with leaves! I hope you are a better gardener than me. I love to do it but haven't had much luck yet. Then again I was trying in a drought stricken part of Colorado. Maybe i'll have better luck here.

Shane said...

Dang sis! My heart STOPPED! I'm glad everyone is safe.

And admittedly, I had to laugh at the thought of Jakob watching T.V. while the world was turning inside out. Funny ... but not ... but it kinda is ... know what I mean?

Granny Annie said...

Thank God that Lukas is okay. And, what about Josh? Bless his heart. I hope he knows that we all know how quickly those toddlers can skee-dadle. Almost like magic, you can blink and poof they are gone. Bless yours and Grover's hearts, Bless Josh's heart, Bless Lukas' heart and don't bother to tell Jakob that anything was going on. And Bless those new and wonderful neighbors you now have!!