Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Mr. President

Last night, as I was taking out the trash, I stopped out by the curb and listened. In the distance I could hear fireworks going off and maybe two, three streets over I heard a woman shout "OBAMA I WANNA HAVE YOUR BABY!!" (did I mention I love my neighborhood?:)) And although I do not want to have President elect Obama's baby, (I have enough of my own and Grover's thank you), I do wish him the absolute best during his term. A lot of people are looking for great things and today, this country seems more hopeful than it has in a long time.

I only wish my mom and Rachel's parents (and a long list of other people) could have been alive to see this. Wow. I wish that I could be more eloquent but I can't so I'll just leave it at that.


Peace allllllllllll...................


Granny Annie said...

Does this mean you are back? Hooray! Glad you are a happy camper.

Oh great One said...

He has a lot riding on his shoulders doesn't he? On MANY fronts. He needs our support and our prayers no matter who you voted for.