Friday, December 31, 2004

And a Happy New Year

Hello all! Haven't posted in a while now. Oh well, I don't think I was missed but if I was I apologize for the delay. Just wanted to wish all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

I have a few resolutions for this year, most of which will probably be broken with 72 hours. I have the "lose 30 pounds" resolution which most people have and I have the "stop smoking" resolution which I have broken every year within 30 minutes after midnight ;-) since 1989. Oh well, such is life I suppose.

I also have the "just be a better person" resolution. Now that's a hard one to tell if you have kept or not. Being a person is a hard job in and of itself much less being a better person. That is something that I have worked an entire lifetime on and still haven't gotten it right.

But I like the beginning of a new year anyway. It's a chance to start over and everyone deserves a second chance.

Okay, I am rambling on now. Have a blessed day all and when you are out partying or whatever tonight be safe. Tomorrow is another day.

Peace all.......

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Check out this Blog!

Hiya guys and girls and in-betweens. Was blog browsing a couple of days ago and ran across some fabulous work. The site is . Give it a whirl...but only if you have a highly developed sense of humor/anger/cynicism! Personally, I think it's great!

Anyhow, I am in the midst of Christmas madness and I am loving it some days and really wanting to smack people on other days. Fighting over a Tickle Me Elmo is just not my idea of the "Christmas spirit". Why do people feel they have to spend their entire life savings once a year???? What kind of message is this sending to our children? That if you can't afford every single top of the line gift that is out there, then you are somehow a failure as a person??

When I was a kid, we received simple gifts and we loved 'em. Now, I see 8 year olds wanting (and getting) cell phones, pagers and the like. What in the name of everything on God's green earth does a child need with a CELL PHONE??? Who is he calling that he can't use the house phone like we did when we were kids (that is, when we were allowed to use the phone at all!).

And then there are the Playstations 2-250, X Boxes, Q Boxes, dvd players, camcorders, digital cameras, etc. These are things that I don't even buy for myself, much less a child. If you are a child in my vicinity, then you are getting a doll baby, a truck, a GI Joe or some blocks, or better yet, BOOKS. And you will like it, yes, you will. We need to let our children be children and treat them as such. Instill the concept of charity, good will, and empathy in your children. Of course, that will be hard to do if you have not instilled them in yourself yet.

Wow, I feel better now! Thanks!!!!!